Use these colors when creating assets for the BILC.
Bulldog Red
CMYK: 0 / 68 / 55 / 27
PMS: 200C
Warm Gray
HEX: #70645A
CMYK: 0 / 8 / 15 / 49
PMS: Warm Gray 9C
Donor Yellow
HEX: #FFD043
CMYK: 0 / 18 / 74 / 0
Filled Background
When filling a background, refer to the guidelines below.
Red Background
When using a red background, use white or yellow text on top of the filled background. Only use the yellow to highlight a word or phrase.
Gray Background
When using a gray background, use white text on top of the filled background.
Yellow Background
Avoid using a yellow background, instead use the yellow to highlight text